Graphics, how film photography blog feed Social Networks

Source: Film Photography Blog

Networks fed by the Film Photography Blog

The best of all channels will be I hope the comments feed of this blog ! but if you want to be drip-fed by this blog here are listed all the urls you will need :



RSS Feed:




Google Plus:



Graphics, Social Networks feed flow, Twitter is the source

Source: Twitter

Flow Hierarchy

Although being reactive on all the channel I’m maintaining, I am quite a bit quicker on Twitter. Which does not mean I am off on other networks, simply for my taste Twitter interface is far more ergonomic, easy going and stable than Facebook for instance …

Graphics, Social Networks feed flow, Instagram is the source

Source: Instagram

Photo Flow Hierarchy

For a simple practical reason, all photos aimed at social medias come from my Instagram feed. All the others will are hosted on the Film Photography Blog website. Only a part of those will hosted on Flickr because this channel does not need to be choked up with illustrative images of no other interest than to describe a test or the like.

Graphics, Social Networks languages distribution

Social Network Language Distribution


Languages Distribution

Again for practical reasons I can’t duplicate all social network feeds, so I will be ineracting on Flickr, Instagram and Tumblr in french and english on the same account. Whereas for all other Social Network, each language will have its own account and proper feed. Enjoy globalisation !